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Kathy's Jan 2019 newsletter

New Year greetings everyone ,

I hope the start of your year is going well.  It's good here, but apparently I am not getting any wiser.
My 3rd grade grand daughter asked me to help her with her math recently. After a short time she looked at me quizzically and asked, " Oma, Did you go to school?" Sheesh!  I just returned from teaching for the WA State Quilter's in Spokane. This guild has over 400 members and more quilt shops per mile than I have seen anywhere. It is a thrill knowing that our craft, and community is alive and thriving. I had a great time! Thank you everyone. You made my week!!

Ribbons and Thing
I am sure people at the Road to California show were scratching their heads looking at my two new award winners. "Really, the same person made both of those.  Weird, they are so....... different."   You may all remember what a struggle I had with the demanding and difficult 3 point perspective on "Artistic License'. I did it and am better for the challenge, but OMG I needed a break from that kind of brain strain.

So it was followed by a crazy abstract impression of musical instruments and movement. With " Music", I didn't even start with a drawing. I just
needed to be free and improvisational. I had so much fun with my wacky creation of shapes and colors. I am kinda in shock that they both have pretty ribbons. 3rd for "Artistic License", and judges choice for "Music"


Next, I am off to the AQS show in Daytona. My classes are full and I can hardly wait to see lots of Florida quilting friends. Not to mention the beach and SUNSHINE. I love Seattle but this time of year the gloom is starting to get to me.

There are spaces in my March workshops in Black foot, Idaho.
March 17th-23

Quilt Heritage Museum, Inc
Multiple days of workshops. Registration opens October 1st 2018
Register at -

What's happening on my Design wall?
It's a sea theme this time. Here is a sneak peak. I am having so much fun playing with a coral reef. Such an abundance of shapes, colors, and beautiful things to see. I am especially thrilled with my Sea Fans made with thread. They are so 3 dimensional and look very realistic. Tons of french knots were added to the coral to give them additional texture too. I made a little video to share, so you can see how easy the sea fans were to make.


Have fun creating your own coral reef and Sea Turtle complete with a Kit for making your own Sea Fans.
The combo is on sale.
Of course you can get the Sea Fan kit alone too: $15.00 including fan pattern, tulle, water dissolvable stabilizer, and two spools of Superior threads, Variegated Magnifico, and super shiny Fantastico.

Thank you all for the goodness and kindness you bring into our world.
Hugs Kathy