Kathy's Fall newsletter
The season has turned once again. It's almost November and the trees have finely started turning brilliant yellows, oranges and reds. Those colors have seeped into my newest quilt project! I am so happy to be back inside stitching away.
Starting a new project is always a little bit scary leap of faith. I cross my fingers and toes and pray that I can sorta get close to the image in my head.
Many of you have heard me say that, " I always start with my main characters first and audition the background last". Well after 20 years of doing it that way, ...I reversed it this time. If I couldn't pull off the "watercolor painting like" background idea, this project was never going to get off the ground. So with, seta silk paints, lots of water, PFD ( prepared for dying fabric from Dharmas Trading) and lots of practice - I took the plunge. Watercolors work differently on pressed paper than they do on soak it up fabric. Results below.
With so many tiny branches, I am going thru those glue refills. At my last super great Tri- City quilters workshop, I saw two students using Elmer glue sticks. Personally, I don't like the wide swath they take, and I don't like not being able to see the color of where I laid it down, but I decided to try those once again.
Still NOT working for me. Because the glue is much harder it goes on like a thin film and requires a lot of repeat pressing the seam allowance into the glue. It is so much faster and easier with the Bohin glue refills. It glides on in a thin line I can see and the consistency is more like lipstick. It is really easy to press the seam into it and have it stick! Bohim refills fit, Sewline, Fons and Porter, Bohin and other glue pens.
We decided to put a ten pack of glue refills on sale this time to help you with your fall projects too. Click here. Normally $52.00 Now $45.

I hope your summer went well and you are settled in for some great stitching time too. I have a few pattern and fabric kits left over from my summer workshops. I have put them in my web store for you guys if you are interested. No classes now till a Zoom in January.
Octopus kit- This is a great project to make with a grandchild . Click here
$42.00 fee. - only three left
Includes. The $13.95 pattern, plus - All twelve different fabrics needed to make your octopus and coral pieces. They have been traced onto lite Steam a Seam 2 and fused to the fabrics. You will just need to cut them out and finger press them onto your background fabric. The background water fabric is not included./
Stitching Nutcracker pattern and fabric kit.
$28.95 - Only 2 left. Great for a holiday gift, wallhanging or table runner. Click here
Kit includes the $13.95 pattern plus all the fabrics for your nutcracker. This wallhanging is an Apliquick applique project.
Many of the fabrics already have templates cut out from apliquick interfacing that has been ironed on to the corresponding fabrics. So this project with go very quickly. You will need your Apliquick tools.
You will need to turn your edges and machine or hand sew your Nutcracker together and then to a background block or fabric of your choice..
The kit does not include the background fabrics. There are detailed instructions for the assembly of your Nutcracker.
Family bragging update
( yes, I am one of those grandmothers. An Oma in fact.) My little 100 day old new granddaughter had her traditional 100 day Korean birthday party.
My daughter did an beautiful job and even made her own rice flour for her rice cakes!!!! All those years sending her to Korean culture camp paid off.
Nora had on her baby Hanbok, the traditional cultural dress for girls. Her cousins think she is the cutest baby doll ever.
Lots of hugs to all of you and best wishes for a blessed Thanksgiving.