Alpine Glow landscape pattern
21 x 22 without border. This mountain and river scene will remind everyone of some of their favorite places.
Use Autumn or Summer colors in your forest along the river bank. Add a touch of Alpin glow to the highest peak.
Suitable for raw edge or turned edges. Fabric list and instructions included in pattern.
If you need help with applique techniques consider adding my 1 hr and 45 minute DVD on "Multiple ways to Applique." It demonstrates 5 different methods of applique. Sizing and Starch is my go to method for simple shapes like leaves, that do not need to be precise. Freezer Paper allows you to make sure that you get a cliff to look like the pattern. Needle Turn is the only way to deal with tiny complex edges. Fused saves time and may be the only reasonable way to make a tiny eye or little branch that is too small to turn under your edges. Machine Applique gives added definition and can be used for turned under edges or raw edges.